Puppy Adoption
Adopt a Doodle
Whether you’re just starting to learn about doodles, or you’ve dreamed of the exact puppy you’ve wanted for years, it means so much that you are considering us to raise your future puppy. We know that adopting a new puppy is a life-changing decision. We want to answer ALL of your questions about who we are and why you should pick Lonestar Doodles.
The quickest way for us to answer all your questions is to either read the FAQ or fill out our contact form.
Our contact form is not an application but a way to better understand what type of Doodle you are looking for so that we are able to present you with the most accurate answers.
If you don’t know exactly what type and breed you’re wanting yet, that’s not a problem! Complete the form with your best guesses and we can help you determine what you’re wanting via email. We are also always available to call at (817) 714-5977. Sometimes a real human on the other end in this day and age is refreshing. It never fails that we have two families call at the exact same time, so please leave a message so we can call you back!
Do you have questions?
That’s okay!
Visit our FAQ page here
Two Ways to Adopt a Doodle
We do things a bit differently when it comes to selecting your pup at Lonestar Doodles depending on if you are wanting to adopt an available Doodle, or get on the waitlist for a Doodle who has not been born yet. New families are placed on the litter list in the order in which their deposit has been received. Because we cannot see into the future, we are unable to know how many puppies will be born in a litter to let you know in which order you are able to pick.
Adopting An Available
Doodle Today
Doodle Today

As soon as your deposit form is completed, and the $300 deposit paid, the Doodle of your dreams is held for you (yay!)
*The deposit goes toward the total price of your puppy *

Keep a close eye on your email, this is where we will be sending the Lonestar Doodles contract, pick up details, and all the other information you need to know before meeting your puppy.

The remaining balance is due when you meet your Lonestar baby to take them home.
We do have a list of recommended foods and Doodle products available here for your new arrival.
Doodle Waitlist

Fill the Form
Providing us your preferences within the contact form allows us to notify you when a litter matching your selection is born.

You've paid your deposit,
now what?
As soon as your deposit form is completed, and the $300 deposit paid, this where things get exciting!
*The deposit goes toward the total price of your puppy *
New families are placed on our waitlist based on the order that a deposit has been received. We use this to determine the “pick” order when a litter arrives.
We do have to wait until the puppies are born to find out what “pick” order you will be, don’t worry they are all adorable!
When a litter arrives that matches your designated preferences, we send photos of the puppies, photos of their parents, and information about the adoption date.
*Please keep in mind that “pick” order is based on the date we received a deposit.*
(The first to deposit receives the first pick of the litter. The family who placed their deposit second chooses from the remaining available puppies, and so on.)
If a litter arrives and it’s not the right time to bring your newest family member home OR you would prefer a higher “pick” order you can choose to wait for a future litter to be born.
It is not uncommon for families to wait to bring their Doodles home to fit a certain timeframe (i.e. Christmas, anniversaries & birthdays).
With this in mind, choosing to wait for another littler that will be born in the future does not mean you will have a guaranteed higher “pick” order if there are families who have also chosen to wait as well.
*Our non-refundable deposit is good for an entire year.*
We work so hard to find the litter that matches your preferences in the time frame that is best for you. Our dogs are living animals and do not always follow our preferred schedule, but we do everything within our control to make this an exciting experience for you!

The hardest part...
You have made your choice.
Expect photos and updates of your Doodle when they open their eyes (around 2-3 weeks), between 5-6 weeks, and the week before they are ready to come home.
The remaining balance is due when you meet your Lonestar baby to take them home.
We do have a list of recommended foods and Doodle products available here for your new arrival.
Our goal is to match your preferences with the available litter to provide you with what you want, in the timeframe that works best for you and your family. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions – because we are absolutely happy to answer them.
Thank you for considering Lonestar Doodles as your breeder of choice. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you find the Doodle of your dreams!
Adoption FAQ
Unfortunately, young puppies do not have fully developed immune systems and are susceptible to life-threatening illnesses, including Parvo. Because diseases and germs can be carried on people’s clothing and shoes, we ask that you “visit” us online, rather than in person. We encourage you to view our Instagram and Facebook pictures and reviews and give us a call to discuss any questions you may have.
We are just these special puppies’ “parents” for a brief period of time so, their health is extremely important to us.
Thank you for helping us protect the health and well-being of our beloved family pets.
We work from home, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t on a strict schedule. We still have to care for, feed, and train our dogs and puppies.
It is very likely that we have other families coming on the same day, so please respect their schedule as well. If you are more than a few minutes late or early, it impacts the amount of time we have available to care for the puppies or the arrival of the next family.
We know that many of our families travel from a distance and more than appreciate the time and effort that takes. We understand that there are times when travel delays happen and some things we just can’t avoid. If this is the case, please give us a call at (817) 714-5977.
We often recommend that families bring a small crate or basket when taking their new Doodle home.
We also think it is a good idea to bring plastic bags and paper towels in case the puppy becomes car sick.
We feed our own dogs & puppies Black and Gold Explorer, an excellent source of nutrients for growing puppies, which is exactly why we encourage you to continue with this brand of food.
We feed our puppies 3 times a day and ask that you do so until they are at least 9 weeks old before switching to a twice-a-day feeding schedule.
You can find the food we recommend and many other puppy recommendations at Lonestar Doodles New Puppy Shopping List

We are Proud to be Listed as top Doodle Breeders in Texas!